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Think every time you go to a new place

So the three women packed up their hair tools and took their hair braiding business on the road. They began booking short term rentals on the weekends, moving from one rental home to the next to avoid detection. They know what they are doing is considered wrong in the eyes of local law enforcement. Lawmakers… weiterlesen

You may want something simple that lets the beach do the most

I’ve spent the past several years covering race in the United States. But as part of The New York Times’s expansion into Australia, I traveled through the country’s indigenous communities to look at how they are confronting these challenges and the painful legacy of colonization. Working with filmmakers from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s „Foreign Correspondent“… weiterlesen

Then I waited, kept doing my political work without

„As we have both stated for some time, the right way to reopen schools must include the highest standard of COVID safety in schools, continued reduction of the virus in the communities we serve and access to vaccinations for school staff,“ they said in the statement. „This agreement achieves that shared set of goals. It’s… weiterlesen